[vip-help] Fw: Request to reopen CATME survey

Anantha Madhavan, Nikhita nanantha at purdue.edu
Thu Feb 22 01:50:42 EST 2024


I am sending this email as a request to reopen my CATME. Emailing Dr. Zoltowski led to an automated message that mentioned her not being in the office today and tomorrow.

Since the CATME is due on Friday, i would appreciate it if you could reopen my CATME.

Thank you,
From: Anantha Madhavan, Nikhita
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2024 1:48 AM
To: Zoltowski, Carla B <cbz at purdue.edu>
Subject: Request to reopen CATME survey

Good morning Dr. Zoltowski,

I was wondering if you could reopen my CATME survey so I could provide detailed comments to my teammates.

Thank you,
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