[vip-help] Fall 2024 | Giving gogs access to students

Bhagtani, Kratika kbhagtan at purdue.edu
Mon Aug 19 22:21:31 EDT 2024

Hi All,

All VIP helpers should have admin access to VIP Gogs (If this is your first time with VIP, you should have received an email about your VIP Gogs login credentials).

Each one of us is assigned a few students to give them Gogs access before Tuesday’s class (follow steps 1,2,9,10 in this tutorial<https://skynet.ecn.purdue.edu/~wiki/doku.php?id=epics_vip:epics_vip_gogs>) :
[?xlsx icon] vip_students_list_gogs_access_fall2024.xlsx<https://purdue0-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/kbhagtan_purdue_edu/EdDA8lgxBMhHqAucF43TvagBFMVCuBMsvJFtS2IR5g8Q2Q?e=sgMk9G&xsdata=MDV8MDJ8dmlwLWhlbHBAZWNuLnB1cmR1ZS5lZHV8YmRhNjRlYzYyNDUzNDhmOWZiYWYwOGRjYzBiZWNlN2F8NDEzMGJkMzk3YzUzNDE5Y2IxZTU4NzU4ZDZkNjNmMjF8MHwwfDYzODU5NzE3MjkzNDQxNjUzMXxVbmtub3dufFRXRnBiR1pzYjNkOGV5SldJam9pTUM0d0xqQXdNREFpTENKUUlqb2lWMmx1TXpJaUxDSkJUaUk2SWsxaGFXd2lMQ0pYVkNJNk1uMD18MHx8fA%3d%3d&sdata=OFpHTm12MXNLZ0txdHZ5bHBETjQvdnE2TjhHYTBPQkNCa0djeTFNT3NVWT0%3d>

When you are done with the steps, please mark it in the sheet as ‘Done’. After giving each student Gogs access, we notify them by email with their username and temporary password (as described in Step 5 of this tutorial<https://skynet.ecn.purdue.edu/~wiki/doku.php?id=epics_vip:epics_vip_gogs>).

Please contact Sid or me if you have any questions. Also, if you are unable to complete this before 4:30 pm tomorrow, please inform, so that someone else can complete it and all students have access before class.


Kratika Bhagtani
Ph.D. Candidate
Research Assistant
Video and Image Processing Laboratory (VIPER)
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2035
Telephone: +1 765 714 7091
email: kbhagtan at purdue.edu

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