[vip-help] Getting Dataset on BuddyBoy

Edward J. Delp ace at purdue.edu
Fri Sep 1 13:35:42 EDT 2023

Yes you can download them to the buddy-boy4 server. Do you have access 
to buddy-boy4?

How big is the data set on dropbox?

You should be able to download them directly dropbox to buddy-boy4.

Prof. Delp

On 9/1/2023 12:46 PM, Ashtekar, Yash Rajendra wrote:
> Good afternoon!
> The pedestrian team was given access to the data by professor Bryce on 
> dropbox. We were not sure how to get this data onto the BuddyBoy 
> Server. We were thinking about downloading the images from dropbox and 
> then uploading them onto the server but we're not sure if we're 
> allowed to do that since it is restricted data.
> Could you help us with whether we are allowed to download the data to 
> our local devices, upload it to the server and then delete it on our 
> devices? Or could you give us a better way to have the images on the 
> server.
> Thank you,
> Yash Ashtekar

Note: my email address has changed slightly,
in the future please use:  ace at purdue.edu

Professor Edward J. Delp
The Charles William Harrison Distinguished Professor of
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Professor of Computer Science (Courtesy)
Professor of Psychological Sciences (Courtesy)

Purdue University
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
465 Northwestern Avenue
West Lafayette IN 47907-2035

Email: ace at purdue.edu

Telephone: +1 765 494 1740
Fax: +1 765 494 3358

URL: https://engineering.purdue.edu/~ace/

Map Location:
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Longitude: W 86 54.744
Datum: WGS72

ID: B26354

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