[vip-help] VIP APPS Fall 2023 Purdue Fall Undergraduate Research Expo Application

Luschwitz, Luke Chen lluschwi at purdue.edu
Mon Oct 16 14:09:29 EDT 2023

Thank you for your feedback, we have created a revised version of the abstract. I have attached to this email a new PDF file of our Fall Research Expo application, but I have also included the revised abstract below:

The purpose of this project is to create two android applications that classify images of dogs and cats by their breed. The applications will take a user’s captured image, pre-process the image, send the image to an external server, use a machine learning algorithm to distinguish what breed the dog/cat is in the image, and return the correct breed back to the mobile device. The android application that analyzes images of dogs will distinguish if the image is of either a husky, beagle, or neither breed. The android application that analyzes images of cats will distinguish if the image is of either a sphinx, bombay, ragdoll, or none of these breeds. In our research, we compare and contrast different image processing techniques including grayscale conversion, Gaussian blurring, mean filter, Sobel edge detection, and Otsu thresholding. We also compare and contrast several image classification techniques including support vector machines, convolutional neural networks, and deep neural networks. Currently a work in progress, this application could be used by families to know the exact breed of their dog/cat, as well as by veterinarians to confirm the breed of a dog/cat for special treatment. The work in this project can be used as a foundation for a system that identifies any object in any image.
From: Zoltowski, Carla B <cbz at purdue.edu>
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 11:25 AM
To: Luschwitz, Luke Chen <lluschwi at purdue.edu>; vip-help at ecn.purdue.edu <vip-help at ecn.purdue.edu>
Subject: RE: VIP APPS Fall 2023 Purdue Fall Undergraduate Research Expo Application

Hi Luke,

Thanks for checking with us.  I welcome the input of others but my first impression is that this doesn’t communicate the research aspects of the project. You will be researching (comparing) and utilizing various techniques and strategies from research literature to achieve your goals and your work will inform future strategies.  I think your goals could also be more defined besides being able to identify any dog or cat.  It may be helpful to describe this as work-in-progress.

Carla B. Zoltowski, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Engineering Practice

Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Director, Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program<https://engineering.purdue.edu/VIP>

Purdue University

Office: ARMS 1217; Phone: 765-494-2382; Email: cbz at purdue.edu<mailto:cbz at purdue.edu>

From: vip-help <vip-help-bounces at ecn.purdue.edu> On Behalf Of Luschwitz, Luke Chen
Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2023 7:08 PM
To: vip-help at ecn.purdue.edu
Subject: [vip-help] VIP APPS Fall 2023 Purdue Fall Undergraduate Research Expo Application


I am emailing you for approval on our application for the Fall 2023 Undergrad Research Expo. It says on the application that we should confirm with our primary mentor (Dr. Delp) that our project abstract can be published in an online abstract booklet. You will find the PDF attached to this email.

Thank you,

Luke Luschwitz


Computer Science Undergraduate

College of Science

lluschwi at purdue.edu<mailto:lluschwi at purdue.edu>
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