msepostdoc-list 2130 Key Fee Lab Coat Rules! Read the entire email, don't jeopardize the pilot program.

Casey James Peters peter878 at
Wed Jan 24 09:45:49 EST 2024

Materials Engineering "2130 Key Fee Lab Coats"
This is a pilot program and a trial for the MSE Key Fee Labs, if we have a successful year, this could move to other labs.
If lab coats are "Lost or Stolen" this could jeopardize the pilot program for other parts of the MSE Department.

Where are the lab coats to be stored: ONLY IN 2130! !

What do you do if you get stuff on the sleeves or the body of the coat: Put the coat in the "white hamper" beside the lab coat rack. Lab coats will be picked up on Wednesday for laundering and should be returned next week (Wednesday). If chemicals are spilled on the lab coat please contact the Safety Officer, Casey Peters at Peter878 at<mailto:Peter878 at> to ensure proper handling for laundering, blue hamper for lab coats that have been exposed or have chemicals spilled on them.

What do you do if the coat isn't dirty: Hang it back up and put it back in the Small, Medium, Large, Extra-Large section for the next student to easily find their size.

What do I do if I find a "Materials Eng Lab 2130" labeled lab coat in another (Non-Key Fee) Lab: Please return it to the 2130 Lab coat rack or laundering hamper.

What do I do if I find a damaged coat (torn pocket, fraying material, missing buttons): Put it aside and notify the Safety Officer, Casey Peters at Peter878 at<mailto:Peter878 at> so it can be marked for repair or replacement.

Who can use the Materials Engineering Key Fee Lab Coats in the 2130 Lab: Any Student/Staff/Faulty member that has a Lab Class/Senior Design/Grad Research in the 2130, 2132, 2136, 2138, 2160, 2170, 2172, 2191. There will be exceptions for Senior Design in other labs, BUT the lab coats MUST be returned to 2130.

What do I do if I can't find my size lab coat: Please contact the Safety Officer, Casey Peters at Peter878 at<mailto:Peter878 at> so we can adjust sizes as needed.

What NOT to do: Drag the lab coat sleeves in the red oil (Diamond Lapping Oil)*, polishing compound*, sanding/polishing wheels damaging/soiling the sleeves*.
            The 2130 Key Fee lab coats are not to be removed from the ARMS Building!
            *Please use the longer cuffed gloves for polishing, tuck the lab coat into the glove to prevent lab coat damage and chemical transfer.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Audits will occur to loc

Thank you,

Casey Peters
Lab Safety Officer
Materials Science & Engineering
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
Peter878 at<mailto:Peter878 at>
o: 765-496-4174

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