msepostdoc-list New 2326 Projector

Maddison DeLaney Walsh mhoverm at
Tue Jan 23 13:11:12 EST 2024

Hello MSE Department,
The new projector is finally up where it belongs and is working! There is currently an HDMI cord hanging down from it for the meantime. I am working on getting a cord to pop up under the table to make connecting easier. There is a remote on the table for you to turn the projector on and off.

As a general reminder, please treat ALL of the MSE technical equipment (printers, projectors, projector screens, TVs, etc.) carefully. They are shared by the entire department and need to be treated with a bit of patience. Of course, if you are having problems with them, please feel free to stop by and let me know or send me an email.

Thank you for your patience!

Maddi Walsh

Administrative Assistant
School of Materials Engineering

Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
Office: 765-496-0460

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