msepostdoc-list Toshiba Printer is Back!

Maddison DeLaney Walsh mhoverm at
Fri Mar 3 10:05:16 EST 2023

MSE Department,
The Toshiba printer is back in its spot and is fully functional now! You may still be mapped to it and it may already be your default printer depending on your settings. If not, here are the instructions again for mapping to it.

PC Users:

On the step where it talks about "Select a Shared Printer by Name" you would type the following:

Mac Users: If you are a Mac user, please send ECN a ticket if you are having issues as I am not as experienced in mapping Mac computers.

Printer Name: arms2312p1-ps

This is also a time to remind everyone to please be kind to both printers. Please do not kick or slam the drawers for the paper. Please put the scanning screen/top down when you are done using it. Sometimes the machine will not complete other jobs if it believes you are still scanning.

Thank you for your patience!

Maddi Walsh
Administrative Assistant
School of Materials Engineering

Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
Office: 765-496-0460

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