msepostdoc-list FW: Fall Blitz Event

Morgan, Yuan-Yu Karen ymorgan at
Fri Sep 9 11:11:07 EDT 2022

Boiler Up! 😊

Dr. Morgan

From: gradcontacts-bounces at <gradcontacts-bounces at> On Behalf Of Andrea Ruiz
Sent: Friday, September 9, 2022 10:46 AM
To: gradcontacts at
Subject: [Gradcontacts] Fall Blitz Event

Good morning, Grad Contacts!
Please share this information with graduate students and postdocs in your area!
The Graduate School’s annual Fall Blitz event will take place on Tuesday, October 11th (during fall break). This year’s event will feature Dr. Vay Cao, founder of Free the PhD, a self-described “career advocacy and training platform specially geared toward the needs of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.” During her day at Purdue, Dr. Cao will host four workshops, including:

  1.  What’s Out There? Job Titles Dissection
This session will help attendees learn how to quickly interpret non-academic job titles and descriptions to assess whether positions match their skill set.

  2.  Live Resume Teardown – Step by Step
This session will teach attendees how to craft a compelling non-academic resume to fit a job description.

  3.  Selling Yourself: Building a Brand
This session will discuss the steps to personal-brand building on LinkedIn and how to develop a portfolio that will help attendees stand out.

  1.  Behind the Scenes: The Hiring Process
This final session will discuss the hiring process from the organization’s perspective to help attendees better understand what to expect and how to prepare.
In addition to these workshops, the Graduate School is offering attendees a free professional headshot.
Those interested in attending must register at the following link:
Please Note: You must have a GoSignMeUp account to register for this free event. Step-by-step instructions for creating this account are attached…

Thank you!
Andrea Ruiz
Communications Specialist
The Graduate School

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