msepostdoc-list FW: [Gradcontacts] Upcoming Graduate Mentoring Workshops

Morgan, Yuan-Yu Karen ymorgan at
Fri Sep 2 16:16:57 EDT 2022

Boiler Up and have a great long weekend! 😊

From: gradcontacts-bounces at <gradcontacts-bounces at> On Behalf Of Ledman, Brittany D
Sent: Friday, September 2, 2022 3:55 PM
To: 'gradcontacts at' <gradcontacts at>
Subject: [Gradcontacts] Upcoming Graduate Mentoring Workshops

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Grad Contacts – Please share this email with faculty, postdocs, and graduate students in your area!

The Graduate School is bringing theoretically grounded, evidence-based, and culturally-responsive training opportunities to Purdue faculty, postdocs, and graduate students to optimize mentoring relationships.

You can learn more about our upcoming mentoring events and workshops below. To register, you will need a GoSignMeUp account. Step-by-step directions for creating this account are attached. You can see a complete list of our workshops and events or learn more about the Graduate School’s Mentoring Initiative at the following link:

September 2022:

Using the Science of Effective Mentorship to Optimize Faculty-Graduate Student Mentoring Relationships<>

September 8, 2022, 10:30am to 12:00pm
STEW 302
Open to all

In this keynote talk, Dr. McDaniels will provide an overview of the findings of the National Academies Report, The Science of Effective Mentorship (as well as other research) and discuss how to leverage those findings, as well as the expertise that already exists on Purdue’s campus to address critical topics in graduate student mentoring, such as interpersonal boundary management, graduate student mental health, elevating and naming social identities in the mentoring relationship, and sustaining mentoring relationships online. Audience members will walk away with new resources and insights to bring to their work as graduate students, faculty, and academic leaders.

Culturally Responsive Mentorship: Evidence-Based Approach to Promoting Graduate Student Success<>

September 8, 2022, 3:00pm to 4:15pm
STEW 306
Open to faculty and postdocs only

In this workshop designed for academic leaders and faculty, Dr. Melissa McDaniels from the Center for the Improvement of Effective Mentorship will introduce research and practices in culturally responsive mentorship. She will facilitate reflection and conversation among colleagues about how culturally responsive practices are evident (and not evidence) in current mentorship practices in departments and research programs. Time will be allocated for questions, answers, and resources.

Activating Your Mentoring Network: A Workshop for Graduate Students<>

September 9, 2022, 9:30am to 11:00am
STEW 302
Open to grad students and postdocs only

Graduate students and postdocs from all disciplines are invited to this interactive workshop designed to provide practical tools to activate a mentoring network with breadth and depth. Participants will be led through a series of exercises to identify their own professional development priorities and intentionally link those priorities to individuals that can contribute to their professional development in those areas. Time will be given to conversations about how to engage current and future mentors in ways that are mutually beneficial and sustainable.

Mentoring Dialogs - Seeking Mentors<>

September 13, 2022, 11:00am to 12:00pm
Young Hall, Room B-83

Join Dean Linda Mason and Associate Dean Melanie Morgan for an unstructured discussion on mentoring. Discussions are loosely based on the curriculum developed by the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) and include the following topics this semester: maintaining effective communication with your mentor, aligning expectations in your mentoring relationship, and do you need multiple mentors? Each discussion will feature one of these topics. The discussions are intended to help graduate students strengthen their mentoring relationships with their major professors and other mentors in their academic careers.

Thank you!
Brittany Ledman, MBA (She/ Her)
Senior Communication Professional
The Graduate School
wright63 at<mailto:wright63 at>
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