msepostdoc-list REVISED: Zoom meeting invitation - Prof Hyeon - special seminar

Ku Blanco, Aury Y akublanc at
Tue Sep 7 10:36:53 EDT 2021

Forwarding on behalf of Prof. Chi Hwan Lee:
[ The seminar time has been changed from 10 am to 10:30 am on 09/15. ]

The BME distinguished seminar speaker - Prof. Taeghwan Hyeon (copied here) - generously agreed to offer a special lecture "How can we do exciting and excellent research?" on 09/15 at 10 am (EST) through Zoom. He will share his experience not only as a professor of Seoul National University but also as an Associate Editor of Journal of the American Chemical Society. Especially, he will talk about the following topics: idea mining, choosing research topics, collaboration, paper writing, interaction with editors, patent filing, and ppt presentation. I believe that this seminar will be greatly helpful for our junior faculty/graduate students/postdocs.

Topic: Prof Hyeon - special seminar
Time: Sep 15, 2021 10:30 AM America/Indiana/Indianapolis

Join Zoom Meeting

How can we do exciting and excellent research?

Taeghwan Hyeon1,2
1 Center for Nanoparticle Research, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea
2 School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea
* E-mail: thyeon at<mailto:thyeon at>

The topic, "How can we do exciting and excellent research?" is the central theme of my research career for the last 30 years. In this presentation, I would like to share with you my experience not only as a professor of Seoul National University but also as an Associate Editor of Journal of the American Chemical Society. Especially, I will talk about the following topics: idea mining, choosing research topics, collaboration, paper writing, interaction with editors, patent filing, and ppt presentation.

[cid:image002.jpg at 01D7A3D4.23887A60]Prof. Taeghwan Hyeon received his B. S. (1987) and M. S. (1989) in Chemistry from Seoul National University (SNU), Korea. He obtained his Ph.D. in Chemistry from U. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1996), and conducted one-year postdoctoral research at the Catalysis Center of Northwestern University. Since he joined the faculty of the School of Chemical and Biological Engineering of Seoul National University in 1997, he has focused on the synthesis and applications of uniform-sized nanoparticles and related nanostructured materials, and published > 400 papers in prominent international journals (> 65,000 citations and h-index of > 128). He is a SNU Distinguished Professor. In September 2020, he was selected as 2020 Citation Laureate (known as Nobel Prize watch list) in Chemistry by Clarivate Analytics/Web of Science. In 2011, he was selected as "Top 100 Chemists" of the decade by UNESCO&IUPAC. From 2014 to 2020, he has been chosen as "Highly Cited Researcher" in both chemistry and materials science areas by Clarivate Analytics. Since 2012, he has been serving as a Director of Center for Nanoparticle Research of Institute for Basic Science (IBS). He is Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and Materials Research Society (MRS). He received many awards including the Korea S&T Award from the Korean President (2016), Hoam Prize (2012, Samsung Hoam Foundation), POSCO-T. J. Park Award (2008), and the IUVSTA Prize for Technology (International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications, 2016). From 2010 to 2020, he served as an Associate Editor of Journal of the American Chemical Society. He has been serving as editorial (advisory) board members of ACS Central Science, Advanced Materials, Nano Today, and Small.
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