msepostdoc-list MSE Safety & Equipment Newsletter for October 2021

Erk, Kendra A erk at
Mon Oct 18 16:40:10 EDT 2021

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MSE Safety & Equipment Newsletter for October 2021

**** Important Upcoming Dates ****

  *   October 20: ARMS Building Inspection by Purdue REM
  *   November 2: PUMA Lab Cleaning Day (details below)
  *   Mid-November: Kepner and FLEX begin the annual Integrated Safety Plan (ISP) self-audit inspections

**** MSE Lab Safety Brightspace Course and Website Updates ****

  *   The MSE-specific safety training materials (slides & quiz) were updated in August 2021 based on user feedback.
  *   "Safety Highlights" are now included on the MSE website. Email mse-safety at<mailto:mse-safety at> to submit your own safety highlight!

**** New Chemical Handling and Hazardous Waste Policies ****

  *   ARMS Polishing Lab Chemicals: Effective immediately, all concentrated acids and bases stored in ARMS 2132 (Polishing Lab) will be locked and can only be accessed/used under direct supervision of the MSE Safety Officer. For the time being, this restriction includes all etchants. This policy change is due to an increasing number of safety incidents and near misses from self-pressurizing waste containers. Contact Jenni Fifer<mailto:fiferj at> for more information.
  *   New Label for Hazardous Waste: All waste bottles must have a REM orange label containing the PI name and a "new" MSE pink label containing the user's name and email. See attached image. These pink labels are being distributed to lab spaces in ARMS and MSEE this week. Users in other buildings can contact Jenni Fifer<mailto:fiferj at>.
  *   Solid/Liquid Waste: Reminder that solid and liquid waste must be stored in separate containers. In the few cases where solid-liquid separation is unsafe or impractical (e.g., picric acid, perchloric acid), REM requires an explanation in the "comments" section of the waste pickup request stating why the liquids and solids cannot be separated.

**** PUMA Safety Committee Updates ****

  *   PUMA Lab Clean-Up Day is scheduled for November 2 from 4:30-5:20 pm and will include many of the general use labs in ARMS. This activity "counts" for credit in MSE 390. Contact Ethan Mann<mailto:mann78 at> to sign up.
  *   Are you an enthusiastic etchant user who would like to help educate others about etchant hazard and best practices? Email Ethan Mann<mailto:mann78 at> to volunteer to become an etchant influencer (i.e., help Ethan update the Safety Bulletin Board across from the Polishing Lab).

**** MSEGSA Pet Photo Contest for Lab Safety! ****
Your pet could be featured on "Shut the Sash" safety postings on ARMS fume hoods (see attached example). Submit your best pet photo between October 18 and 29 here<>. Voting for the people's favorites will take place November 1-5 in a Qualtrics link to follow. Winners will get special recognition and their choice of fume hood for their pet's poster placement! Contest rules: all MSE students, faculty, and staff are eligible to enter; the submitter must be the owner of the pet pictured or have the owner's permission to submit. Both portrait and landscape pet photos are welcome.

**** Annual Safety Training Reminder ****
Each academic year, all undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers are required to complete the MSE-specific safety training (slides & quiz) administered through Brightspace. A list of researchers who have/have not completed the training will be provided to Prof. Bahr and MSE faculty members at the end of the year.

**** Equipment Reporting Reminder ****
If you encounter a piece of broken equipment, or have any questions about a specific piece of equipment, you should contact a member of the MSE Technical Staff:

  *   For sample prep (i.e., saws, grinding wheels) equipment: Tim VanMeter<mailto:tcvanmet at>
  *   For mechanical testing equipment and general use equipment checklist suggestions: Jenni Fifer<mailto:fiferj at>
  *   For characterization equipment and iLab: Talukder Alam<mailto:alam18 at>

**** Important Links and Contact Information ****

  *   Protect Purdue<>: COVID-19 resources and reporting
  *   IN Dept. of Health COVID-19 Resources and Stats<>
  *   For general safety questions, concerns, and lab access issues: mse-safety at<mailto:mse-safety at> or speak directly to MSE Safety Officer Jenni Fifer<mailto:fiferj at> (ARMS 2207)
  *   For iLab equipment training and issues: Talukder Alam<mailto:alam18 at> (ARMS 2207)
  *   Equipment/Safety/Consumables Reporting Form<>
  *   Purdue REM Researcher's Guide<>
  *   ARMS general safety information<>

Kendra A. Erk
Associate Professor of Materials Engineering
Purdue University

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