msepostdoc-list FW: Ford Predoctoral, Dissertation, and Postdoctoral Fellowship (U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents)

Morgan, Yuan-Yu Karen ymorgan at
Mon Oct 18 14:46:43 EDT 2021

Dear Graduate Students and Postdocs,

Here are some great fellowships for you.  Please read the forwarded message and the attached PDFs for more details.  Good luck with your applications!

Boiler Up,
Dr. Morgan

I have attached three related RFP opportunities for the Ford Foundation Fellowships Programs<>. These are administered by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine on behalf of the Ford Foundation. Could you please share with faculty across Engineering, as I think we might have some good applications. Feel free to keep me on copy and direct any interested applicants my way. I'm happy to assist with any submissions.
This program awards predoctoral, dissertation, and postdoctoral fellowships that seek to "increase the diversity of the nation's college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students."
This year, National Academies intends to award 75 predoctoral fellowships, 36 dissertation fellowships, and 24 postdoctoral fellowships.
Key facts (full details are in the attached documents):

*       Amount:

o   Predoctoral: $81,000/3 years

o   Dissertation: $28,000/1 year

o   Postdoctoral: $50,000/1 year

*       Application Deadlines:

o   Predoctoral: December 16, 2021

o   Dissertation: December 9, 2021

o   Postdoctoral: December 9, 2021

*       Applicant Guidelines:

o   Applicants must be enrolled in "research-based Ph.D. or Sc.D. programs"-the RFP has an extensive list of which disciplines are included and excluded. Eligible fields include many departments in CLA, Engineering, and Science; excluded fields include business/management, fine arts, nursing, some HHS disciplines (unless applicants in these fields can prove certain research requirements-details in RFP).

o   Among their requirements, the RFP notes that a positive factor for selection includes membership "in one or more of the following groups whose underrepresentation in the American professoriate has been severe and longstanding: Alaska Natives (Aleut, Eskimo, or other Indigenous People of Alaska); Black/African Americans; Mexican Americans/Chicanas/Chicanos; Native American Indians; Native Pacific Islanders (Hawaiian/Polynesian/Micronesian); Puerto Ricans."
Thanks much,
 Laura L. Henzl
Senior Director of Foundation Relations
Purdue for Life Foundation, Purdue Research Foundation
 Dick and Sandy Dauch Alumni Center
403 West Wood Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2007
o: 765-494-7215   m: 765-418-1033
The Purdue Research Foundation is an independent organization that acts for the benefit of Purdue University.
Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI-2022/23)<>

Letter of Intent Deadline Date: November 10, 2021

Program Guidelines: NSF 21-615

The Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) program of the NSF Directorate for Engineering (ENG) serves a critical role in helping ENG focus on important emerging areas in a timely manner. This solicitation is a funding opportunity for interdisciplinary teams of researchers to embark on rapidly advancing frontiers of fundamental engineering research. For this solicitation, we will consider proposals that aim to investigate emerging frontiers in one of the ...
More at<>

**Purdue faculty and research staff: To directly receive this newsletter in your inbox, please sign up for the listserv here: Only e-mail addresses will be accepted.**

Please contact Sue Grimes (sgrimes at<mailto:sgrimes at>), Kristyn Jewell (kristynj at<mailto:kristynj at>), or Perry Kirkham (pkirkham at<mailto:pkirkham at>) with any questions or comments related to this e-mail.

Amber Everest
Grants & Contracts Coordinator, Office of Research & Innovation

Senior Administrative Assistant to the Associate Dean of Research & Innovation
College of Engineering
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