msepostdoc-list West Coast Swing Dance Callout - Tomorrow

Jessica L Sargent sargentj at
Thu Sep 5 10:51:47 EDT 2019

Hi guys!

This is not particularly a GSA thing, but I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in getting an MSE group together for this. I'm really interested in attending the West Coast Swing Dance (Purdue Westies) club's callout tomorrow at 6 pm. West Coast swing is essentially a smoother variation on the traditional Lindy Hop style swing dancing you see in movies, etc. Swing dancing is primarily a partnered dance, but it's very social and typically encourages dancing with everyone in the room rather than sticking to a "date" or partner you come with, so it's a great chance to meet people.

The callout is in Stewart Center, so I thought maybe we could get a group together to grab a bite to eat between seminar and the callout. If anyone is interested in joining, let me know!


Jessica Sargent
Ph.D. Candidate, Materials Engineering
Graduate Professional, Women in Engineering Program
Purdue University
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