msepostdoc-list Seminar Reminder for Nicholas Richter Oct. 10, at 8:30 a.m., in ARMS 3109. " Micropillar Compression Studies of Deformation Behavior in Nanostructured FCC Metals"

Son, Rosemary E son39 at
Wed Oct 9 10:03:30 EDT 2019

Please consider attending the following:


"Micropillar Compression Studies of Deformation Behavior in Nanostructured FCC Metals"
Nicholas A. Richter
Purdue MSE Preliminary Exam

Advisor: Professor Xinghang Zhang


Nanostructured metals have peaked significant interest for automotive and aerospace applications as they can drastically improve a metal's mechanical properties. These structures, including nanocrystalline and nanotwinned metals, can lead to novel deformation behaviors and a significant improvement of mechanical properties. As both devices (nanowires, NEMS) and microstructural features approach the nanoscale, there is an opportunity to elucidate the mechanisms governing deformation in these systems. Micropillar compression provides an avenue to explore their mechanical behavior. New insight to deformation in nanostructured metals can be gained through in-situ videos of micropillar compression in the SEM, as well as post-compression microstructural analysis using TEM. This review focuses on microcompression of nanostructured face centered cubic (FCC) metals due to the abundance of literature on these systems. It also details possible challenges faced with designing micropillar compression experiments and postcompression analysis.

Keywords: Micropillar compression, Size effects, Nanostructured Metals, FCC metals, Micromechanical Testing

Date: Thurday, October 10, 2019

Time: 8:30 A.M.
Place: ARMS 3109
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