msepostdoc-list ARMS office space safety issues; must be corrected by Feb 1st

Coar, Stacey L scoar at
Thu Jan 10 10:09:57 EST 2019

Dear MSE graduate students and post docs, who have offices in ARMS,

Perhaps a New Years resolution to be a more efficient and effective researcher starts with a clean, safe, and organized office space...

On Dec 14th, I conducted a safety inspection of the graduate student offices in ARMS and, unfortunately, I observed a number of issues that must be corrected before my next safety inspection on Feb 1st:

1. All extension cords should be removed and, if necessary, replaced with power strips (surge protectors).
2. Excess combustible materials (paper, cardboard, trash, etc) and old or unused electronics should be discarded or properly stored.
3. Heavy materials (old electronics, books, boxes, etc) should not be stored on top of the metal storage lockers or on high shelves, where they could fall from and cause injury.
4. ***No chemicals or samples or lab coats can be stored in your office.*** The only approved chemicals for use and storage in your office are "administrative" chemicals (pens, markers, cleaners). All other research-related chemicals, samples, and lab coats (including other contaminated PPE) should be properly stored within the lab spaces where you work, in ARMS or elsewhere. You should talk to your research advisor if you need help finding suitable storage options within your designated laboratory space.

If these issues are not corrected by Feb. 1st, your office space privileges in ARMS will be revoked. I sincerely hope it doesn't come to this however...

To help out, next week a few big rolling trashcans will be placed near the MSE office spaces for you all to use.  I will also be available in ARMS this Monday afternoon (Jan 14th) from 2:30-4:30 pm to answer questions and give you advice/guidance about your office. So, Monday afternoon might be a nice time to start the cleaning process... You can also talk with me at that time regarding any questions or concerns you may have about your office situation (e.g., you share an office with "Pig-Pen" it).

Good luck to all of you, and perhaps you might find some $$$ hidden away in your desk drawer...

Prof. Erk

Chair, MSE Safety Committee

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