msepostdoc-list FW: New! Engineering Academic Career Club - Spring Callouts!

Son, Rosemary E son39 at
Tue Jan 8 08:48:20 EST 2019

Dear Fellow Graduate Students,

Welcome back to campus!

This semester we are launching a new club for engineering graduate students and post-docs interested in pursuing an academic career. Have you wondered what it takes to write a competitive tenure-track application? Are you interested in networking with other Purdue students interested in academic careers? Do you want resources to enhance your teaching and mentoring experience? If you’re like me, then the answer to all these questions is YES!

That’s why we’ve started the Engineering Academic Career Club (EACC) - to help you develop teaching, mentoring, and research skills, connect you with like-minded people across engineering disciplines, and run workshops on writing application materials like teaching and research statements.

To hear more about events coming up this spring, current tools available, and get involved, please join me at one of our callout meetings next week. We’ll provide pizza and drinks. Please use the links below to RSVP by Mon 1/14 at 9am so that we can get an estimate for food!

Monday, January 14 at 5:30pm (link<>), PGSC

Thursday, January 17 at 12:30pm (link<>), PGSC

If you’re interested but can’t make the callout add us on Boilerlink (link<>) to stay up to date on upcoming events.
Hope to see you there!

Hasti Veeraraghava Raju
Engineering Academic Career Club President
PhD Student, Mechanical Engineering
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