msepostdoc-list Fwd: ORAU Information Session - 2/2/16

Donna Bystrom bystrom at
Mon Feb 1 13:11:00 EST 2016


My name is Mike Janney, I am a recruiter for Oak Ridge Associated 
Universities (ORAU). ORAU manages the Oak Ridge Institute for Science 
Education (ORISE) research program. The ORISE program allows senior 
scientists, faculty; high school, bachelor’s, masters’ and doctoral 
students, and recent graduates to enhance their science education 
experience in projects and activities at our Department of Defense 
(DOD)**and other Government and Private Industry customers’ laboratories 
and research facilities worldwide.

I will be hosting an information session for students to attend on 
Tuesday, February 2, 2016.


*_Tuesday, February 2, 2016_**
**Purdue Polytechnic Company Info Session*
*Stewart Center 311*
*7:10 – 7:40 PM***


*I will be sharing information regarding research opportunities via the 
ORISE program across our DoD customers and also discussing the **_U.S. 
Army Research Lab Postdoctoral Program._*

If possible, could you forward this e-mail onto your students, so they 
may be aware of the information session. I will also be attending the 
Career Fair on Wednesday, February, 3, 2016.

Candidates can apply to this project announcement on the ORAU Maryland 
Office website: <>

Army Research Lab Postdoctoral Fellowship Program:

Please forgive me for contacting you directly, I was able to locate your 
e-mail on the Purdue website. I was searching for contacts across many 
STEM programs. My goal is to make this information session available to 
as many perspective students as possible. Each year, I place multiple 
students/recent graduates in both the ORISE and ARL Postdoc program.


*Mike Janney, MA*

Scientific Assessment and Workforce Development

Sr. Recruiter


(410) 306 9217 (office)

(410) 618 7981 (cell)

_michael.janney at <mailto:michael.janney at>_

Follow Mike on LinkedIn <>

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