msepostdoc-list FW: Purdue Postdoc Challenge- Grant Opportunity Announcement

Finney, Patricia Jean pfinney at
Mon Nov 10 15:13:52 EST 2014

Hi all,

We have a lot of exciting news and events planned for the coming month and beyond. Please see newsletter below:

November 2014 Newsletter

**Big announcement**

Purdue Postdoc Challenge: Grant funding to use Indiana CTSI-Designated Core Facilities at Purdue University

We are pleased to announce that the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (Indiana CTSI) is offering two $5000 grants for the use of specific Purdue core facilities.  The Indiana CTSI is a collaboration of three universities in Indiana including Purdue University, Indiana University, and Notre Dame ( and focuses on translational research with the aim of improving human health. This one-year grant is being offered to Purdue Postdocs on the West Lafayette campus with prior approval from their advisor(s). Proposals (3 pages max.) will need to clearly demonstrate a translational science strategy using one or more CTSI-accredited Purdue core facilities. Applications will be due Monday, February 2nd, 2015. Questions can be directed to Dr. Thomas Sors at tsors at<mailto:tsors at>. The RFA is attached. The following events will have more information:

Friday November 21st: Grant-Writing Workshop (ABE 205) 1-2PM with Perry Kirkham (Project Coordinator)and Sally Bond (Assistant Director of Research Development Services, Proposal Coordination)
            This workshop will be focused on how to write a 3-page proposal. It will be         a 1-hour workshop.

Thursday December 11th: Information Session (ME 1012) 12:30-1:30PM with Thomas Sors (Chief Scientific Liaison, Bindley Bioscience Center)
            This information session will focus on any specific questions related to the        proposal.


Wednesday November 12th: Grant Writing  (BRNG Rm 2291) 4:30PM Dr. Peter Dunn
Dr. Dunn will give a thorough overview of how to write a successful grant, how to grasp your audiences' attention, which sections to spend the most time on, etc.

Thursday November 20th: Part I: CV, resume, cover letter (MATH 175) 4:30PM Dr. Rebecca Doerge
Dr. Doerge will present how to how to job search, write a cover letter and CV/Resume in an open, honest manner. No question is off limits. This is part I of a two part series.

Coffee Hour

Thursday November 20th: Math 215  12:30-1:30PM
            If you are interested in presenting, please email ppda at<mailto:ppda at>

Hope to see you soon!

Kind regards,
Elizabeth Buescher
NIFA Postdoctoral Associate
Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Purdue University
(765) 494-9042

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