msepostdoc-list Fwd: [engap-list] Systems Of Systems Signature Area Seminar: Paul Grogan Tuesday February 4 at 3:00PM

Donna Bystrom bystrom at
Thu Jan 16 09:11:16 EST 2014

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[engap-list] Systems Of Systems Signature Area Seminar: Paul 
Grogan Tuesday February 4 at 3:00PM
Date: 	Thu, 16 Jan 2014 06:24:45 +0000
From: 	Velasquez, Juan D <jvelasqu at>
To: 	engfaculty-list at <engfaculty-list at>, 
engap-list at <engap-list at>, 
engcs-list at <engcs-list at>
CC: 	Dellinger, Leza R <lrdellin at>, Karth, Rebekah J 
<rkarth at>, Percifield, Carolyn A. <carolynp at>

*College of Engineering ***



*Simulation and Gaming Approaches for Systems of Systems: The Saudi 
Infrastructure Planning Game*



*RHPH 164*

*Paul GROGAN***

/Ph.D. Candidate, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute 
of Technology/


Infrastructure are composed of large-scale systems operated and managed 
by organizations having a degree of independence from one another. In 
working towards national objectives such as sustainable development, 
strategic planning of infrastructure as a system-of-systems must 
consider integrated decisions with partially-decentralized 
decision-making. This seminar presents ongoing research to develop and 
mature simulation and gaming approaches to support decisions in Saudi 
Arabia, where $400 billion is budgeted for new infrastructure projects 
between 2010 and 2015.

Simulation games combine technical simulation models with human players 
in an interactive environment. First, the infrastructure 
system-of-systems (ISoS) framework defines templates for interoperable 
models. The ISoS framework uses graph-theoretic components to express 
resource flow behaviors and has been implemented using the IEEE Std. 
1516 High Level Architecture (HLA) for simulation interoperability. 
Next, the prototype multi-player Saudi Infrastructure Planning Game uses 
a simplified view of Saudi Arabia as three regions to express key 
interactions between agriculture, water, oil and gas, electricity, and 
social systems. Players decide which infrastructure elements to create, 
where, and when over a 30-year time horizon while all other operational 
details are optimized with a linear programming model. Finally, a human 
design experiment uses the Saudi Infrastructure Planning Game as a 
context-rich tool to evaluate the effect of quantitative metrics on 
collaborative decisions.

*Paul Grogan*is a Ph.D. degree candidate in the Engineering Systems 
Division at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research 
focuses on the design and use of software tools to meet strategic 
objectives for complex systems. His past and present projects studied 
city- and national-level civil infrastructure systems, human space 
exploration campaigns, and federated and distributed satellite systems. 
His doctoral dissertation develops the concept of “interoperable 
simulation games” drawing from the ideas, practices, and technology of 
military wargaming. In addition to developing software tools, he uses 
human design experiments to evaluate prototypes and gather data for 
evaluation of behavioral hypotheses. Paul holds a S.M. degree in 
Aeronautics and Astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of 
Technology and a B.S. degree in Engineering Mechanics and Astronautics 
and Mathematics from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

Juan Diego Velasquez, PhD
Managing Director Strategic Initiatives
Purdue University
College of Engineering
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering, Room 3000
701 West Stadium Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2045
Office 765-494-5340
Cell 765-532-8388
jvelasqu at <mailto:jvelasqu at>

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