msepostdoc-list Fwd: [engap-list] Systems Of Systems Signature Area Seminar: Alberto Giovanni Busetto Wednesday January 22 at 3:00PM

Donna Bystrom bystrom at
Thu Jan 16 09:10:30 EST 2014

*College of Engineering *



*Data-driven Engineering*

*of Interconnected Systems:*

*Design, Modeling and Optimization*


*WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 3:00-4:00 PM*

*RHPH 164*

*Dr.Sc. Alberto Giovanni Busetto*//

/Postdoctoral Researcher at ETH Zurich, Switzerland./


The engineering of interconnected systems must take uncertainty into 
account to ensure optimal performance, because design and control are 
constrained by disturbances and limited knowledge. This talk introduces 
a data-driven framework to accelerate system engineering by establishing 
a feedback loop between modeling and experimentation. The approach 
consists of design, modeling and optimization. Firstly, I present an 
experimental design method for efficient modeling and prototyping. I 
prove formal guarantees of near-optimality and efficient computation for 
maximizing the mutual information between data and models. Secondly, I 
introduce an approximate Bayesian inference method to select multiscale 
models of interaction networks from heterogeneous data. Finally, I 
indicate how to select the best tradeoff between the task-specific 
informativeness of an empirical solution and its stability with respect 
to noise and missing data.

The application of this framework to computer-based tutoring systems 
enabled the individualized treatment of learning disabilities; moreover, 
it proved instrumental in modeling metabolic signaling systems, proving 
for the first time the nuclear phosphorylation of Msn2, a process 
involved in cancer and obesity. Future research will look at the human 
body as part of an interconnected system to better design personalized 
diagnostics and therapeutics. I claim that numerous other engineering 
applications can benefit from the development of similar data-driven 

Dr.Sc. Busetto is a researcher at the Automatic Control Laboratory and 
at the Competence Center for Systems Physiology and Metabolic Diseases, 
ETH Zurich, where he is establishing an initiative to engineer systems 
for personalized biomedicine and individualized teaching. His research 
focuses on data-driven modeling of systems characterized by interactions 
with hard-to-predict human and faulty components.

Dr.Sc. Busetto received the ETH Medal for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis 
for predictive modeling of complex dynamical systems. He has been 
awarded the Best Student Paper at the IC in AI in Education for modeling 
human engagement with intelligent tutoring, and the Best Paper at the 
IEEE IC in Computational Science and Engineering for systems biology. He 
received the Best Master Thesis Award at the University of Padua, Italy, 
for computational system nanotech. He is a researcher at, 
the Swiss Initiative in Systems Biology and one of the largest ever 
partnerships in biomedicine, and initiated collaborations in 
regenerative medicine, wind energy, and intelligent tutoring. His 
research appears in top-tier journals (such as Nature Methods, Science 
Signaling, PLoS Comp.Bio.) and his collaboration projects received 
significant media coverage on television, radio, general and specialized 
press (SF1, ORF, APA, der Standard).

Juan Diego Velasquez, PhD
Managing Director Strategic Initiatives
Purdue University
College of Engineering
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering, Room 3000
701 West Stadium Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2045
Office 765-494-5340
Cell 765-532-8388
jvelasqu at <mailto:jvelasqu at>

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