[MSE-XRD-Admin] Using the MSE XRD Facility

You-Yeon Won yywon at ecn.purdue.edu
Fri Oct 19 12:13:46 EDT 2012

Dear Director of the MSE XRD Facility,

I am writing to ask about using your XRD equipment.  We hope to obtain 
crystallographic information about a metal nanoparticle sample (i.e., 
powder diffraction patterns) -- we are interested in probing the lattice 
parameters in the length range of about 0.2 - 0.5 nm.  We would like to 

(1) How many grams of the sample would we need for this measurement?  And 
in what form should we prepare the specimen (e.g., dry powder in a certain 
sample holder, cast film, etc.)?

(2) For now, we would like to confirm that the XRD measurement would 
provide useful information.  So I think it would be most appropriate for 
us to send our specimen to your laboratory and have your staff to perform 
the measurement for us (at this point it would not make sense to have my 
student go through the training without knowing that this technique will 
be useful).  I am wondering whether this would be possible.

I will appreciate it if you can let us know whom exactly we should speak 
with.  Thank you in advance for your reply.

>	You-Yeon Won
>	Associate Professor
>	School of Chemical Engineering
>	Purdue University
>	Forney Hall of Chemical Engineering
>	480 Stadium Mall Drive
>	West Lafayette, IN 47907-2100
>	Phone: (765)494-4077
>	Fax: (765)494-0805
>	https://engineering.purdue.edu/ChE/People/ptProfile?id=11263
>	https://engineering.purdue.edu/~yywon

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