[MSE-XRD-Admin] MSE XRD Facility

Thomas Key tskey at purdue.edu
Mon May 3 17:12:41 EDT 2010


Materials Engineering has decided to put its XRD facility on Coral.  I'm 
in the process of getting the necessary equipment ordered: server, 
connectors, interlocks, etc..   Jan help to make sure that I got all of 
the correct hardware.  I'll let you know when it arrives.

Instrument List:  (Names are as they appear in the cost center document.

Bruker D8
Bruker GADDS
Siemens D500
Difractis 581 Laue


Bruker D8- Sample policies as requested for MSE SEMs (see JSM-6400V-SEM 
for example)
Bruker GADDS- Reservation horizons only (weak restrictions on hours, 
many usages run 3-5 hrs).
Siemens D500- Sample policies as requested for MSE SEMs (see 
JSM-6400V-SEM for example)
Difractis 581 Laue - no restrictions (no one uses it)
LECO GDS - Reservation horizons only for users.  No horizon for operator 
(aka ones who can operate instruments on others behalf) or higher. (This 
instrument will largely be operated by one of our technical staff with 
maybe one super user aka operator)

e-mail alerts should go to mse-xrd-admin at ecn.purdue.edu  (Both Pattie 
and I receive these e-mails).

Other Coral Stuff:
-Patricia Metcalf <metcalfp at purdue.edu> will be taking over 
responsibilities for the XRD facility in the near future and will be 
doing many of the things that I did for the MSE electron microscopy 
facility.  Lab staff status for the XRD and Electron Microscopy 
facilities.  metcalfp should also have access to theEM-Recharge account 
that Jan I and I currently have access to.
-For calibration and maintenance purposes, would you setup a 
MSE-XRD-Recharge account.  If you need a number the MSE XRD facility 
cost center numbers are 22020072 4014010000.  Keith Bowman should be 
listed as the PI.  Please include tskey and metcalfp as having access to 
this.  This account will function the same as the EM-Recharge account 
that Jan and I currently have access to.


Thomas Key Ph.D.
Visiting Assistant Professor
School of Materials Engineering
Purdue University
tskey at purdue.edu

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