[MSE-XRD-Admin] FW: Researcher access to Powder Diffraction File

Patricia Metcalf metcalfp at purdue.edu
Mon Dec 6 10:27:28 EST 2010

Hello Jeremy,
We do not allow free access to the powder diffraction files.  If an
individual wishes to undergo the training to become an approved user,
they can then gain access using a Coral account.  They will still pay
the $65/hour non-department fee even for access to just use the database.
Dr. Patricia Metcalf

Garritano, Jeremy R wrote:
> Over two years ago I inquired with Dave Roberts about a student gaining access to the Powder Diffraction File in the X-Ray Facility (see below) to conduct some research.  (The Libraries does not provide access to this database.)  Do you still have access to the database and can I direct an MSE graduate student to you?  Are you still located in MSEE?
> Thanks,
> Jeremy
> ====================================
> Jeremy
> Yes The data base is on the computer that controls the Siemens D500 X-ray.
> It's in room 337 MSEE building . The data is 10yrs old. The room is open
> business hours. The X-ray is down and we are trying to repair it.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David L Roberts [mailto:drob at purdue.edu] 
> Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 9:03 AM
> To: Garritano, Jeremy R
> Cc: drob at purdue.edu
> Subject: Re: Researcher access to Powder Diffraction File
> At 04:50 PM 03/19/2008 -0400, you wrote:
>> Dave,
>> I am a faculty member in the chemistry library here at Purdue and I see
> >from the X-Ray Facility web site on the Materials Engineering page that
>> you have access to the PDF.  I was wondering if you had a policy for
>> allowing others to search the PDF for research purposes.  There is a
>> visiting scholar in pharmacy that has approached me about the database,
>> but the libraries do not subscribe to it.  I was wondering if I could
>> steer him your way for some assistance.  If not, I understand, that is
>> why I wanted to check with you before getting his hopes up.
>> If you would like to contact him directly, his name is Takanori Ito in
>> IPPH and he can be reached at tito at purdue.edu
>> If not, I can relay any message if needed.
>> Thanks for your consideration,
>> Jeremy
>> ====================================
>> Jeremy R. Garritano
>> Assistant Professor of Library Science
>> Chemical Information Specialist
>> M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry
>> Purdue University
>> Email: jgarrita at purdue.edu
>> Phone: (765) 496-7279
>> Fax: (765) 494-1579
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