[MSE-XRD-Admin] FW: Researcher access to Powder Diffraction File

Garritano, Jeremy R jgarrita at purdue.edu
Mon Dec 6 09:47:41 EST 2010

Over two years ago I inquired with Dave Roberts about a student gaining access to the Powder Diffraction File in the X-Ray Facility (see below) to conduct some research.  (The Libraries does not provide access to this database.)  Do you still have access to the database and can I direct an MSE graduate student to you?  Are you still located in MSEE?





Yes The data base is on the computer that controls the Siemens D500 X-ray.
It's in room 337 MSEE building . The data is 10yrs old. The room is open
business hours. The X-ray is down and we are trying to repair it.


-----Original Message-----
From: David L Roberts [mailto:drob at purdue.edu] 
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 9:03 AM
To: Garritano, Jeremy R
Cc: drob at purdue.edu
Subject: Re: Researcher access to Powder Diffraction File

At 04:50 PM 03/19/2008 -0400, you wrote:
>I am a faculty member in the chemistry library here at Purdue and I see
>from the X-Ray Facility web site on the Materials Engineering page that
>you have access to the PDF.  I was wondering if you had a policy for
>allowing others to search the PDF for research purposes.  There is a
>visiting scholar in pharmacy that has approached me about the database,
>but the libraries do not subscribe to it.  I was wondering if I could
>steer him your way for some assistance.  If not, I understand, that is
>why I wanted to check with you before getting his hopes up.
>If you would like to contact him directly, his name is Takanori Ito in
>IPPH and he can be reached at tito at purdue.edu
>If not, I can relay any message if needed.
>Thanks for your consideration,
>Jeremy R. Garritano
>Assistant Professor of Library Science
>Chemical Information Specialist
>M. G. Mellon Library of Chemistry
>Purdue University
>Email: jgarrita at purdue.edu
>Phone: (765) 496-7279
>Fax: (765) 494-1579

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