[MSE-XRD-Admin] Instrument training request___Bruker D8 Focus X-Ray Diffractometer

Yanan Gan ygan at purdue.edu
Tue Aug 24 05:43:57 EDT 2010


I am a PhD student from ME and our group needs to determine the active Al content 
in a nano-Al particle sample. As you know, Al particle surface will be oxided to 
alumina. So, we want to know how much un-oxided Al is left in the particle.

I have finished the on-line X-Ray safety training. Please let me know when and 
where I can have the training so I can use XRD (D8 Focus X-Ray Diffractometer) to 
get what I want.

Thanks quite a lot,

Yanan Gan
Mechanical Engineering 
Purdue UniversityBruker

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