[MSE-XRD-Admin] SAXS Training

David Reese reesed at purdue.edu
Thu Apr 22 16:03:20 EDT 2010

Hi there,
My name is David Reese, and I work for Dr. Steven Son in the ME/AAE departments.  We have a project that could benefit greatly from SAXS data that could be obtained using your Bruker GADDS diffractometer, and I had a few questions about getting set up to use it.  I have completed the online training from REM for x-ray use, and so it appears the next step would be to come in for physical training on the machine.  How do I go about setting up an appointment?  Also, what are the rates to use the machine?

Thank you very much!


Graduate Student
School of Aeronautics & Astronautics
500 Allison Road
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Office: 765 496 2603
Mobile: 949 433 5192
reesed at purdue.edu

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