[Me-indy-faculty] Business Cards - Delayed

Zachary Daniel Sigafoes zsigafoe at purdue.edu
Wed Oct 16 16:24:43 EDT 2024

Hello team,

I've had a few professors ask so I figured it would be best practice to communicate an update on business cards. They have been delayed.
Dr. Sorge, Dr. Umulis and Dr. Groll have agreed upon a format that they want information displayed on the business card and to do this, we need to go through a different vendor (Not Phoenix Innovative). Currently, Adrianne Thompson and I are waiting for confirmation with a template that matches the vision that Dr. Sorge, Dr. Umulis and Dr. Groll have agreed upon. I have those mock drafts included as a pdf in this email so that you're able to see them (The top left and top right are what our cards would look like as a mock example).
I am aware that these mock drafts do not look like the last version of the business card through the Phoenix template. When I receive a new template of how they'll look with a new vendor, I will share them with each faculty before a purchase is made.


Zach Sigafoes - Executive Assistant
Purdue University Indianapolis
zsigafoe at purdue.edu<mailto:zsigafoe at purdue.edu> - 765.495.7703
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