EWB-Purdue EPICS-EWB: Week 10

Reddy, Isha reddyi at purdue.edu
Wed Oct 26 00:02:27 EDT 2022


 Lab with Isaac
Wednesday, October 26th, 6-7:50pm


Isaac Visit Pictures
If you have any pictures from Isaac's visit, please add them to this<https://purdue0.sharepoint.com/sites/EPICSF20-EWB/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?ga=1&id=%2Fsites%2FEPICSF20%2DEWB%2FShared%20Documents%2FGeneral%2FSemester%20Documentation%2Fk%20Fall%202022%2FRwanda%2FIDA%20Visit%2FPhotos&viewid=c8ca36c3%2D80d1%2D4a1e%2Db7da%2Df9ebe7b412c1> folder in the drive!
National Conference
The national conference videos are available on Volunteer Village. Each session counts as a PDH!

Club Meeting 12/1
Our final club meeting is on 12/1 in ARMS 1103. The CEO of EWB-USA will address the chapter during this meeting and there will be a fun surprise at the end!

Isaac's Visit Highlight

Here's a picture of Isaac and Lauren petting puppies in memorial mall! Looks like they're having a great time. Thank you to everyone who is showing Isaac around campus!

Our Donors

Special thanks to our donors!

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