EWB-Purdue EWB-EPICS: Week Three (S22)

Weber, Jackson Steven jsweber at purdue.edu
Tue Jan 25 12:16:59 EST 2022

[https://mcusercontent.com/593b57fc7fffe72c5b100f338/images/77f9748f-d298-47cf-8b0e-c007bf14fe77.png] <https://epics-ewb.wixsite.com/ewb-purdue>
[https://mcusercontent.com/593b57fc7fffe72c5b100f338/images/492fa0c4-634a-db5c-bc97-e474eab0a048.png] <https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS>
In-Person Lab
Wednesday, January 25th, 6:00-7:50pm
Club Meeting Thursday
We will be having our first club meeting this Thursday, 1/26, from 6:00 - 7:30pm in HAMP 3153. Attendance is not mandatory but strongly encouraged!

Returning Member Survey
Everyone please fill out this survey for returning members<https://forms.gle/awT2vd8AgmfKwaDu7> to indicate whether or not you plan to return to EWB next semester!

Reminder to pay your dues here<https://www.coolfaces.net/TooCOOLPUWL/ECItemCatalog/Item.aspx?Item=gnhlt1%2bXW0c%3d>. It is $20 for the spring semester, but some of you have already paid for the full year. If you can't remember if you paid for the full year last semester or not, ask Harish.
Website Picture
Update or submit a headshot of yourself to go on our website by filling out this form<https://forms.office.com/r/hf1qM1rU1n>. This is your last chance, or else I will be taking a picture of you in lab this week!

Lab Absence Policy
If you cannot be in lab for any reason, please notify the TAs, your design lead, and Lauren.
Rwanda News
[https://mcusercontent.com/593b57fc7fffe72c5b100f338/images/7b8bf418-ea38-407d-6045-65a5c554a864.jpg] <https://www.africanews.com/2022/01/20/in-rwanda-kivuwatt-transforms-gas-from-killer-lake-into-electricity/>
In Rwanda, KivuWatt transforms gas from 'killer lake' into electricity<https://www.africanews.com/2022/01/20/in-rwanda-kivuwatt-transforms-gas-from-killer-lake-into-electricity/>

Our Sponsor
Special thanks to our current sponsor Lippert Components!


Click on their logo & check out their website for more information about the company, their causes, and career opportunities.
[https://mcusercontent.com/593b57fc7fffe72c5b100f338/images/8c9d95f2-a371-4014-a0e0-cdb0b299c00e.png] <https://www.lci1.com/>
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