EWB-Purdue EPICS-EWB: Action Required - Project Adoption Discussion

Feenstra, Jack jfeenstr at purdue.edu
Mon Nov 29 21:55:44 EST 2021

Hello All,

As we work to close out the Bolivia Colquechata project, some of us have also begun work on new project adoption. We want you to be involved in that process, be able to provide feedback on the potential projects, and help us decide which project our chapter will apply for.

A list of all the Unassigned International Community Projects can be found here<https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNTZhNWIwOGYtNGI0NC00MDUyLTkwYjctYWQ3NmJjOWQzNTNiIiwidCI6IjkwNTliNmUzLTgxYzgtNGQzYS05ZDNiLWU2YTFkYzQ0ODE3NSIsImMiOjF9>. We plan on adopting a Water Supply Project and some of us in leadership have narrowed down the ten or so available Water Supply Projects into the top three options for our chapter. Our initial screening focused on examining the cost, project scope, technical knowledge needed, travel feasibility of country located, and other major factors that would or would not make the project a good fit for our chapter.

The Community Partnership Applications (CPAs) for these three potential projects are linked below. Please read through each CPA and note any thoughts or areas you would like to discuss. We will be spending some time in lab on Wednesday discussing these options, listening to your feedback, and addressing any questions or concerns.
Please come prepared to be an active participant in the project adoption discussion by reading the three CPAs before lab on Wednesday and bringing your thoughts and feedback.

  *   Kagarama, Kigali, Rwanda<https://ewb-usa.force.com/VolunteerVillage/a061Q00000XWDgUQAX/p>
  *   Rubona, Kigali, Rwanda<https://ewb-usa.force.com/VolunteerVillage/a061Q00000XXGkIQAX/p>
  *   Walugoma, Iganga, Uganda<https://ewb-usa.force.com/VolunteerVillage/a061Q00000VuLZPQA3/p>

In case you run into problems with Volunteer Village access, I have also attached these documents as pdfs.

Please let me know if you have any questions prior to our discussion in lab on Wednesday.

Jack Feenstra
Project Manager / Engineers Without Borders Purdue
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