EWB-Purdue FW: Mailchimp Template Test - "EWB Weekly Email"

Sparber, Lauren Jean lsparber at purdue.edu
Tue Oct 27 14:40:44 EDT 2020


October 28th
In person
November 4th
No lab: reading day
November 11th
Virtual: guest speaker
November 18th
November 25th
No lab: Thanksgiving break
December 2nd
Virtual: design review

Leadership, HCD, TAs
ARMS 1101
Chapter Development
ARMS 1098B
ARMS 1098C
Business Development

1. This week will be our last in person lab! If you do not feel comfortable meeting in person that is okay. You will still be expected to log on to teams at 6. If you come to in person lab, please bring your face shield and a pair of headphones.

2. Here<https://forms.gle/bd6tqULMLdpsFJMFA> is the merch pre-order form. The deadline to order is Wednesday, November 4th at 6 PM, but they would appreciate if you could fill out the form ASAP.

3. We will not have lab next week (November 4th). We will start an optional teams meeting at 6 just to socialize and hangout. Even though we are cancelling lab, we will still have design meetings and notebooks next week.

4. The HCD presentation will be the following week in place of our second guest speaker. The week after that will be mock design review.

5. Elections will be happening soon. Start thinking about if you would like to run for a position.

Bolivia Update:

Bolivia elections: see it here<https://www.npr.org/2020/10/19/925342186/ally-of-socialist-evo-morales-wins-bolivias-election-as-rival-concedes>.

Covid Stats in Boliva: see them here. <https://www.coronatracker.com/country/bolivia/>


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