EWB-Purdue Reading Day Survey

Brooke Abigail Beliles bbeliles at purdue.edu
Thu Oct 22 14:25:36 EDT 2020

Hi everybody,

Thanks so much for filling out the survey last night! I am sorry, it really seems like a lot of you are struggling with classwork and with life in general. Due to this, we want to give you that reading day November 4th off! We want you all to have a day to rest, catch up on sleep, schoolwork or see those you love.

With that being said, the leadership team and I will be ONLINE for an hour from 6-7pm that week, and so for anyone who wants a social lab, feel free to log on we will just be chatting and enjoying each other’s company a bit. If nobody logs on, no hurt feelings! We will just most likely log off by 6:30pm if that is the case.

However though, we still need to make some progress that week, so please make sure you are still at you design meetings that week! Design meetings will still be required during that week.

We really appreciate the work you all are doing, we see each one of you and our team could not function without you all. Please take care of yourselves, and if you need help with anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself or anyone on the leadership team. We all want to be there for you.


Brooke Beliles
Purdue University ’22 | Construction Management
EWB Purdue Chapter President
Shoemaker Cooperative
bbeliles at purdue.edu<mailto:bbeliles at purdue.edu> | 3177710527

From: Brooke Abigail Beliles <bbeliles at purdue.edu>
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2020 at 7:34 PM
To: "ewb-list at ecn.purdue.edu" <ewb-list at ecn.purdue.edu>
Subject: FW: Reading Day Survey

Hello EWB,

Here is the survey about reading day! Please take it now!! I will get the final decision back to you all tonight. Hope everyone is staying well.


Brooke Beliles
Purdue University ’22 | Construction Management
EWB Purdue Chapter President
Shoemaker Cooperative
bbeliles at purdue.edu<mailto:bbeliles at purdue.edu> | 3177710527

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