EWB-Purdue Post-Lab Survey

Brooke Abigail Beliles bbeliles at purdue.edu
Wed Mar 25 19:58:25 EDT 2020

Hi everyone,

As we all work through this together on doing remote labs, we need all of your feedback to make sure the things that we are using is working well for you. We made a survey to get your thoughts on how things went this week. Please fill out the survey here<https://forms.gle/x7W6FWxU4uBRqdiY6>! If you have any major questions please feel free to email or text me and let me know.

Hollie also recorded the PIGS Webex call in case you missed it or wanted to revisit it. It is in the Google Drive linked here<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dCIoMLrZtiktDJ7Zodm5PKLwKqHs7FF9>.

Big thanks to everyone for being patient as we work through this together. Stay safe and healthy! See you next week!

Brooke Beliles
Purdue University ’22 | Construction Management
EWB Purdue Chapter President
EPICS Ambassador
bbeliles at purdue.edu<mailto:bbeliles at purdue.edu> | 3177710527

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