EWB-Purdue EWB Weekly Email - Week 9

Hollie Irina Maccabee hmaccabe at purdue.edu
Tue Mar 10 19:16:08 EDT 2020

EWB Weekly Email: Week Nine

Important Annoucements

  *   We will have lab on Wednesday March 11th in ARMS B098 from 6:00 - 7:50 pm
  *   More information about the COVID-19 class cancellation will be provided during lab this week
  *   **Travel Team Interest Survey for August Assessment trip
     *   https://forms.gle/q3PhFSTxzWFiuPY37
  *   Please fill out your donor information for the Business Development team from last semester's crowdfunding campaign.
     *   https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15m9OUycMUUx_F8RC2Qt2tKCbfGo4IM-vgFSg0ECDC98/edit#gid=0<https://purdue.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=593b57fc7fffe72c5b100f338&id=1794b914c8&e=e73f05fb40>
  *    Club Merchandise Orders are due by March 12th!
  *   There will be another notebook check in week 11 (the week after spring break)

Bolivian Culture Spotlight

Madidi National Park
Madidi National Park is located in the Northwest region of the Department of La Paz and stretches over 18,958 square kilometers.  It is one of the largest protected areas in the world.

This national park houses over 8,000 documented species of plants along with 272 species of mammals, 1,254 species of birds and over 120,000 different species of insects.  The park is also home to 46 indigenous communities from six different tribes.  Most people are involved in the eco-tourism industry as well as ventures such as handicrafts, fishing and agriculture.  The indigenous people of Madidi are committed to living in synch with the environment and ensuring a sustainable future.  They are known for using most of their income to help protect the vulnerable nature of Bolivia's Amazon.

Popular activities for those visiting the park include birdwatching, spending time with locals, swimming with pink river dolphins, guided rafting trips, and fishing.




Random Fact Tuesday

German chocolate cake is named after an American baker by the name of Samuel German.  The cake has no affiliation with the country of Germany.

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