EWB-Purdue EWB Purdue Weekly Email: Week Seven

Hollie Irina Maccabee hmaccabe at purdue.edu
Tue Feb 25 20:01:05 EST 2020

EWB Weekly Email: Week Seven

Important Annoucements

  *   Next lab will be on Wednesday, February 26th in ARMS B098 from 6:00 - 7:50 pm
  *   Design Review is this week! The dress code is business casual.
  *    Remember to order your club merchandise on TooCool.  Orders must be placed by March 6th!
  *   We will be having a guest speaker in week 8 (March 4th).  Professor Shawn Farrington will be speaking about human centered design and interdisciplinary problem solving.
  *   The business development team would like everyone to fill out this survey with the emails of people who donated to the crowdfunding campaign last semester.
     *   https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15m9OUycMUUx_F8RC2Qt2tKCbfGo4IM-vgFSg0ECDC98/edit#gid=0<https://purdue.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=593b57fc7fffe72c5b100f338&id=9f41244acd&e=5cbe2cf576>

Club Fundraiser

We will be hosting our first skip-a-meal of the semester at Panera this Sunday, March 1st, from 4-8 pm.  Be sure to share this event of your social media platforms and spread the word!


Bolivian Culture Spotlight

Lake Titicaca
Lake Titicaca creates a natural border between western Peru and the east side of Bolivia.  It lies at 12,500 feet above sea level and covers 3,200 square miles in the Andes Mountains.  The lake stretches 120 miles in length, 50 miles wide at its widest point and has an average depth of 107 meters.  The lake is protected under Peruvian law and is currently on the tentative list to become an official World Heritage Sites.  It is considered the "highest navigable lake" in the world and is the largest lake in South America.

There are many myths associated with the lake.  The locals see the lake as a sacred place and the claimed "birthplace of the Incas."  Incan mythology says that the first Inca king, Manco Capac, was born at Lake Titicaca.  Later god created a wife for him and the Inca empire was born.  The shape of the lake is said to illustrate that of a puma hunting a rabbit contributing to the name.




Random Fact Tuesday

Did you know that if you cut down a cactus in Arizona, you can be penalized with up to 25 years in jail!  It is similar to cutting down a protected tree species.

Don't forget to follow all our social media accounts by following the links below!


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