EWB-Purdue EWB Purdue Week Six Email

Hollie Irina Maccabee hmaccabe at purdue.edu
Tue Feb 18 21:44:46 EST 2020

EWB Weekly Email: Week Six

Important Annoucements

  *   Next lab will be on Wednesday February 18th in ARMS B098 from 6:00 - 7:50 pm
  *   Design Review is next week, Feb. 26!!
  *    MERCHANDISE!! The club merchandise is ready to be ordered on TooCool.  Order must be placed by March 4th!

Bolivian Culture Spotlight

The World's Most Dangerous Road
Bolivia is home to one of the world's most dangerous road, North Yungas Road, also known by its infamous nickname "Death Road" that connects La Paz to the lower region of Coroico in the Yungas region of Bolivia.  Stretching for approximately 40 miles in length and only 12 feet wide, the road was constructed in the 1930s by cutting into the side of the Cordillera Oriental mountain chain.

Modern roads have been constructed that include two lanes including asphalt pavement and guardrails.  The original Yungas Road is still used by those seeking adventure.  Among the global mountain biking community, this Bolivian road is considered one of the most extreme trails in the world!





Random Fact Tuesday

Did you know that technically if you are in the US and you find a bald eagle feather on the ground you need a permit to pick it up!!

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