EWB-Purdue EPICS EWB Week 12 Lab

Brooke Abigail Beliles bbeliles at purdue.edu
Wed Apr 1 16:48:05 EDT 2020

Hi everyone,

Here<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11QUnsXehYz2V8DvBdNgq7Oy9UJ4YjvfxVBqteaClgBQ/edit?usp=sharing> is the links for the PIGS slides so you can all follow along and here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rXsiQQ4siA1y4YJ0a3_URtcVG0hly0M0wmAEyY8ayFM/edit> is the link for the document that has all the lab Webex links. The document can be found under the Spring 2020 Folder in the Google drive for reference.

See you all tonight!

Brooke Beliles
Purdue University ’22 | Construction Management
EWB Purdue Chapter President
EPICS Ambassador
bbeliles at purdue.edu<mailto:bbeliles at purdue.edu> | 3177710527

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