EWB-Purdue EWB Update Email: Week 6 (09/25/19)

Cindy W Jiang jiang450 at purdue.edu
Mon Sep 23 12:50:52 EDT 2019

Hello all,

Hope everyone had a great week! Our next meeting is this Wednesday on 09/25/19 in ARMS B098 from 6-7:50 PM.


  1.  Alternatives Analysis (EWB Form) needs to be ready and uploaded for design reviewers – Due 11:59 pm Friday, September 27th (as noted by Professor Oakes in last lab meeting, replacing EPICS design document)

  2.  Design review is in lab week 7, all teams will be having mock design reviews beforehand to practice

  3.  The following items are due at 11:59 pm on the Friday of week 7 (October 4th)

     *   Each student submits an Individual Evaluation Rubric with a completed self-evaluation (senior design students have different documents)

     *   Each student submits peer reviews for the folks in their sub-team in myepics.

     *   Each Student has their Notebooks (Work & Accomplishments and Reflections) completed through week 7

     *   PM will make sure that all main documentation and files for the project are  backed up to the correct location on SharePoint

  4.  Guest speakers and dates
     *   10/09/19: CCO
     *   10/30/19: Professor Myrdene Anderson

Follow our club's pages on social media if you haven't already!

Instagram: @EWBPurdue

Twitter: @PurdueEWB

LinkedIn: Engineers Without Borders Purdue University



Cindy Jiang
Biological Engineering | Purdue University 2020
Engineers Without Borders | Vice President
jiang450 at purdue.edu | 812-201-5289

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