EWB-Purdue EWB Purdue Elections

Amanda M Lefebvre alefebvr at purdue.edu
Sun Mar 17 20:01:34 EDT 2019

Hello all,
I hope everyone had an enjoyable spring break. This is a reminder to nominate EWB members for our leadership positions! Each semester officers have to be elected so do not be discouraged by someone already holding that position. I encourage anyone who is looking for leadership experience and/or has new ideas for the club to run. If you are running for a position please email me with a photo of yourself and a paragraph about why you are running/qualified for the position. These will be sent out with the election ballot. Descriptions of the positions are below. If you have any questions about elections please feel free to contact me.

Position Descriptions<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u3m6rkL7-NE_fZLNWXKMTQ3-f_ZphgpF_ycPGRoaBJg/edit>


Amanda Lefebvre

EWB Purdue Chapter President

Civil Engineering | Purdue University 2021

alefebvr at purdue.edu | 815-341-7971

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