EWB-Purdue Guest Speaker Follow-Up

Kathryn Anne Myers myers326 at purdue.edu
Wed Mar 6 21:24:01 EST 2019

Hi everyone,

Thank you to everyone who came to lab and listened to Dr. Nolan's talk tonight! Please fill out this survey <https://goo.gl/forms/ivuAqCfjwFrPHsAB2> so we can  improve our guest speakers for next semester.

Additionally, if anyone would like to refer back to the presentation/hand outs, they can be found here<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gp_cSwd7i_RQ_LLYxWMLA8PjL4kqoJKo>.




Kathryn Myers

Purdue University '21

Biological Engineering  | Arabic Language and Culture

myers326 at purdue.edu | (574) 276-3936
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