EWB-Purdue DEADLINE tomorrow - EWB National Conference

Cindy W Jiang jiang450 at purdue.edu
Thu Aug 29 14:17:10 EDT 2019

Hi all!

If you're interested in attending the EWB National Conference November 7-9 in Pittsburgh, please fill out "National Conference Attendance." If you're a new member, please fill out "New Member Conference Application." The deadline to fill this out is TOMORROW on Friday, August 30th. There are links to this year and last year’s agenda below.

The plan for accommodations is 4 people of the same gender to a room, most people will be doubled up in a bed (queen-size). If for any reason someone is uncomfortable with this arrangement, please talk to me privately ASAP.

National Conference Attendance<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScGrCBK_1P0P-r8RnnZ_eSC-Pcd26_VaeBFPoiXF_5wFeevaQ/viewform?usp=sf_link>

New Member Conference Application<https://forms.gle/nNtAd24cr4NZU5rC9>

2019 Schedule<https://web.cvent.com/event/8372c4ca-1339-412c-be27-768d33bad225/websitePage:645d57e4-75eb-4769-b2c0-f201a0bfc6ce?tm=IQDwrfK45Pgj5T5teX2VelOJl4rnjJzz-h6k25M3Hcc>

2018 Schedule<http://www.cvent.com/events/ewb-usa-2018-engineers-unlock-potential/agenda-777c09e6b22040a791a289015cc1a9d4.aspx>


Cindy Jiang
Biological Engineering | Purdue University 2020
Engineers Without Borders | Vice President
jiang450 at purdue.edu | 812-201-5289

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