EWB-Purdue Week 10/11 Update

Riley J Boris boris0 at purdue.edu
Fri Mar 9 17:59:41 EST 2018

What is up Boilers! I hope you all have a fun and safe Spring Break!

Next meeting: March 19th 6 - 8 pm in ARMS B098

We will be having a guest speaker in lab next week. If you did not take the survey in the previous email, you are expected to bring a written question.

In this email:

  *   Basecamp

  *   EPICS Homework

  *   Design Lead Update

  *   Calendar Links

Basecamp - Update notification settings

  *   Click on picture and turn on notifications

  *   If you don’t want the daily summaries of what has happened in all of your groups

     *   Click on Activity and unclick the check on “email me a daily summary”

     *   This feature is super helpful for leadership and advisors to track progress. If you are a leader or advisor, please keep this summary on

  *   If you need weekly reminders of your assigned to-dos:

     *   Home > My Assignments> click “emailing my assignments every Monday”

  *   To-dos

     *   The person assigned will get a reminder notification at 9:00 AM the day before the due date and again at 9:00 AM on the day it’s due

EPICS Homework


Document your individual contributions!

First Year EPICS Members

All PDHs should be complete by this time.

Returning EPICS members

Make sure you are taking care of your PDHs if you have not completed them yet.

Design Lead Update

Remember to send meeting summaries to advisors the day of your design meeting.

Calendar Links

Here's <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=k6adasfa5cutbnmsfkr76qvcuk%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/New_York> the link to the calendar for you guys! Check it for important dates and meeting times.

As usual, please email me if you have any questions!

See you on Monday!

Riley Boris

EWB Vice President

Civil Engineering '20

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