EWB-Purdue Week 15 Email

Riley J Boris boris0 at purdue.edu
Fri Apr 6 16:47:14 EDT 2018

It is Friday my dudes!

Next meeting: April 9th 6 - 8 pm in ARMS B098

In this email:

Elections Nominations

Volunteer Sign Up

EPICS Course Registration

EPICS Final Deliverables

Design Leads

Calendar Links

Elections Nominations

Please nominate members for officer positions next semester (you can nominate yourself too!)



Fall 2018 Officer Nominations<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3argspMm0mOp6JaLStkHa_AepU0NcuL__bAZQC-tbHnMqcA/viewform?usp=sf_link>
Write the name of your nominee in the respective fields below. All nominations are confidential. Note that students cannot hold officer positions for their final semester of classes.

Volunteer Sign Up

We people need to sign up for shifts in upcoming events, descriptions of the events are below. Please sign up if you can.



Volunteer Sign Up<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wPWpQ2jBs04AcdH1-ORlUPM50OhHVBnznvZ5Iq9tuSk/edit?usp=sharing>
April EXPO, Name 1, Email 1, Name 2, Email 2, Name 3, Email 3, Time April 12th, Amanda Lefebvre, alefebvr@ purdue. edu, Anna Rausch, rausch0@ purdue. edu, 10: 30-11: 00 Loc, 11: 00-11: 30 Corec, 11: 30-12: 00 Shawn Makulec, smakulec@ purdue. edu, 12: 00-12: 30 Spring Blast, Name, Email Ap...


High schoolers will be coming to campus for a day of engineering activities. One of these activities is a club career fair, which we will be participating in. You will be standing at a booth and discussing the activities of the club.

Spring Blast

For this event, students who sign up will go into the community and help prepare the homes of elderly residents for the Spring. Picking up leaves and branches, stuff like that.

EPICS Course Registration

Returning EPICS members will be  receiving course override emails from the EPICS office. Please review the email and attempt to enroll with the CRN provided. If you are not successful in UniTime, please try enrolling through mypurdue class registration. If this is still unsuccessful, take a screenshot of the error you are receiving and send it to me.

New members who have applied to join EPICS, we are still reviewing the applications. An email will be sent expressing acceptance to the EPICS team and requesting further information.

EPICS Final Deliverables (more instructions to come via email)

Design Documents are due Monday, April 9th 11:59pm to Sharepoint<https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/designreview/Monday/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fepics%2Fdesignreview%2FMonday%2FEWB%2FFinal%20Design%20Review&FolderCTID=0x01200097F6C83C87FE8B4F812C402E44F829DF&View=%7B69B4A0E8-2382-4AA6-9BD1-4C58B26B8BD9%7D>

Notebooks, IERs and Peer Evals are due April 21. This includes the Final Reflection.

Project Evaluation Rubrics due April 23

Transition Documents are due April 26 (there is not a template for this)

PDHs must be completed and approved in myEPICS by Friday April 27

Remember to UNASSIGN yourself the to-do once you have completed it. Do not check the box!!! Only Kelsey will do this for EPICS deliverables. Unassign yourself by opening the to-do, click on the three dots, click on edit, click the X next to your name and click save changes.

Design Leads

Design Leads must write a lessons learned section as part of your notebook.

Make sure your basecamp to-dos are being wrapped up as we approach the end of the semester.

Mock Design Review(s) need to be scheduled.

If you are working with people on campus invite them to Design Review.

Calendar Links

Here's <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=k6adasfa5cutbnmsfkr76qvcuk%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/New_York> the link to the calendar for you guys! Check it for important dates and meeting times.

As usual, please email me if you have any questions!

See you on Monday!

Riley Boris

EWB Vice President

Civil Engineering '20

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