EWB-Purdue EWB: Week 4

Shawn Edward Makulec smakulec at purdue.edu
Sun Sep 10 14:29:57 EDT 2017

Hey everyone!

In this week's email:

  *   Info for potential new members
  *   Dues
  *   Plan for this Monday's meeting

For those who are interested in joining EWB: come to our meeting tomorrow (Monday the 11th), as there will be a presentation for new members!  After this week new members will be participating with the rest of the chapter, so it's important to come tomorrow and hear our new member presentation.

All current EWB members: dues are due tomorrow!  You can either pay online (search for TooCOOL Purdue EWB) or pay our treasurer at the meeting tomorrow night.  Membership dues for the full 2017-18 academic year are $25, or single-semester 2017 Fall dues are $15.  For new members, dues are NOT due this week.  There will be more info on new member dues during the new member presentation tomorrow.

Our meeting tomorrow (Monday) will be in ARMS B098, the i2i Design Studio.  All EWB-Purdue members are expected to attend.  This week will be the first meeting for our committees, a presentation for new members, and EPICS design teams will meet.  We've got a busy semester ahead of us, so there's a lot to get done!

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to email me.


Shawn Makulec
Purdue University
Industrial Engineering Undergraduate
smakulec at purdue.edu

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