EWB-Purdue EWB Week 15 Updates

Shawn Edward Makulec smakulec at purdue.edu
Mon Nov 27 11:26:41 EST 2017

Hello all!  A few brief things before the meeting tonight:

  *   Reminder for officers
  *   Exec meeting tonight
  *   Plan for the meeting tonight

Now that elections are over, officers need to finish their transition responsibilities before the end of the semester! Outgoing officers need to complete transition documents, and incoming officers need to schedule a meeting with their outgoing officer.

Reminder that there's an exec officer meeting tonight after lab, which incoming and outgoing execs need to attend.

Tonight we'll be meeting in committees, before doing our usual EPICS/new members split.  We'll be in ARMS B098 at 6:00.

That's everything!  See you all tonight.


Shawn Makulec

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