EWB-Purdue CONSTITUTION VOTE and nomination paragraph

Elena Anne Marty van Hove evanhove at purdue.edu
Fri Nov 17 12:20:24 EST 2017

Hi all,

Many of you have not voted on the constitution yet. Please vote before midnight on Saturday or I'll have to keep bugging you guys! Here<https://goo.gl/forms/hoxvBLtuYJc7RolV2> is the link to the vote.

For those of you who were nominated for an officer position:

This is a reminder to send in your paragraph and photo before 5 pm this evening. The photo can be professional or casual, as long as your face is recognizable. Please try to keep the paragraph under 100 words.



Elena van Hove

Purdue University

Electrical Engineering
EWB Purdue President

evanhove at purdue.edu
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