EWB-Purdue EWB Constitution Vote

Elena Anne Marty van Hove evanhove at purdue.edu
Wed Nov 15 08:51:24 EST 2017

Dear EWB Purdue Members,

Hope you're enjoying the start of this gloomy Wednesday. Attached you will find a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws proposed by myself and the other executive officers. This is a living document and will likely be amended in the near future, however, we hope to pass it so that we can keep things moving forward this semester.

Please vote on approval of the Constitution and Bylaws changes here<https://goo.gl/forms/ee6c3Eb9tOpJFU902>. Voting will close Saturday, Nov. 18th at midnight. If you have any comments of issues you'd like to address or amend please add these to the comments section.

Best regards,


Elena van Hove

Purdue University

Electrical Engineering
EWB Purdue President

evanhove at purdue.edu
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