EWB-Purdue EWB Constitution Changes

Elena Anne Marty van Hove evanhove at purdue.edu
Sat Nov 11 18:47:57 EST 2017

Dear EWB Purdue members,

The executive officers would like to formally propose a new Constitution. Please read the proposed version here. Next Saturday, November 18th, there will be an online approval vote sent out for this version of the Constitution.

For the Constitution to pass two-thirds of active members will have to vote to approve it. Active members have been redefined as dues paying members that are either EWB-EPICS registered members or students who have attended two-thirds of the semester meetings before the vote, and have attended at least four meetings. Once a Constitution is passed by the chapter, SAO (Student Activities and Organizations Office) will have to approve the document.

We will present on the proposed Constitution changes again on Monday. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself or any of the other executive officers. Thank you for your patience in the process.


Elena van Hove

EWB Purdue President

Electrical Engineering

Purdue University

evanhove at purdue.edu
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