EWB-Purdue IMPORTANT: EWB Elections!

Lauren Jayne Reuland lreuland at purdue.edu
Sun Mar 5 13:08:03 EST 2017

Hi all,

Just a reminder that nominations for officer positions are due TONIGHT! If you want to get more involved with EWB, being a committee head or VP is a great way to start! Here's the link again in case you lost it:



EWB Officer Nominations<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgcu6bG4vunCaYg7zuzDs3Il2NDEbkZlBzOFeoOF4Mw1M0ag/viewform>
Nominate yourself or others for EWB officer and executive positions for Fall 2017 semester

See you all Wednesday!


From: Lauren Jayne Reuland
Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2017 1:58:32 PM
To: ewb-list at ecn.purdue.edu
Subject: IMPORTANT: EWB Elections!

Hi all!

Elections for officer positions are going to be next week (March 8th) at the beginning our chapter meeting.  If you are interested in running for any positions, or you think you know someone who would do well in a position, please nominate them or yourself using this google form! Nominations will be closed Sunday at midnight, and I'll be informing everyone of their nominations on Monday morning. If you don't fill out this form you won't be able to run. If you choose to run for a position you'll need to submit a paragraph about why you want the position and what you would do with the position by Tuesday night, so be thinking about that this weekend!



EWB Officer Nominations<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgcu6bG4vunCaYg7zuzDs3Il2NDEbkZlBzOFeoOF4Mw1M0ag/viewform>
Nominate yourself or others for EWB officer and executive positions for Fall 2017 semester

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Lauren Reuland
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