EWB-Purdue Project Selection Meeting

Harsha Vardhan Mokkarala hmokkara at purdue.edu
Tue Jan 31 17:39:00 EST 2017

Hello All,

Tomorrow at 6 we will be having our first project selection meeting in ARMS B98 (The room that the chapter meetings are held in).  We will be going over some basic info on finding a project and the international development process in general.

Before the meeting please register for EWB national (Student accounts are free) and crate a volunteer village profile.  Just follow the link below to the "My EWB" homepage and sign up to become a member and then crate the volunteer village profile.


<http://www.ewb-usa.org/myewb/>Also, if you have the time here are a few interesting articles regarding global development:



I look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow!

-Harsha Mokkarala
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